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  • What currency are the prices in?
    All prices on this site are in USD.
  • Why does shipping vary for International customers?
    International shipping rates are subject to the total weight of the package. It varies from $5 - $25 depending on how many packs you've ordered.
  • When will my packs be opened?
    Customer packs are opened on a first come, first serve basis. If you purchase your packs while we are not live, we will do our best to open your order on the next stream. If you purchase packs while we are live, depending on demand, we will do our best to open them in that stream. Check out the streaming schedule tab to know when the next stream will be.
  • Can I buy sealed packs?
    Currently, we are not selling sealed packs. All purchased packs will be opened on our livestream.
  • Will I get all of the cards in my pack?
    Yes, we will send you every card in the packs you've purchased.
  • Will my cards be protected during shipping?
    Absolutely. We will put all holo cards in individual sleeves and will ensure that all other cards are well protected.
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